
2022年11月04日 15:46 招生办 点击:[]

根据我校国际学生招生录取有关规定,经过国际学生个人在线申请、国际学院线上初审和二级学院(培养单位)学术审核,决定拟录取UBAID AYESHA等35人为我校2022级汉语进修生和本科生,现对拟录取人选进行公示。最终录取结果以上级教育主管部门审批结果为准。

According to USC relevant regulations on the admission of international students, the university has decided to enroll UBAID AYESHA and 34 other students as Chinese language students or bachelor students in the academic year 2022. The name list is now publicized. The final admission results shall be subject to the examination and approval results from the higher education department.


The publicity is from November 4, 2022 to November 10, 2022. During the period, if you have any objection against any candidate in the list, please inform the International College via phone or email.

Contact:Mrs.Pan, Mrs.Shen




Appendix:The Fifth Batch of International Freshmen to be Admitted to the University of South China in 2022

International College

November 4, 2022

Next:Notice on 5 Students May Be Expelled


Address: 28 Changsheng West Road, Hengyang    
Postcode: 421001    Tel: 0000-8888-8888
Copyright: International Department    
Office of Hongkong, Macao & Taiwan Affairs  International College