

2019年12月31日 16:23 招生办 点击:[]


1. Login our online portal via thislink:http://apply.usc.edu.cn/.

2.As a new user, click on register to create a new account. Create the User Name and Password you prefer to use. It’s advisable to use letters and numbers for both User Name andPassword.

3. An activation link will be sent to the email address you provided. Open your email and click on the activation link or copy the link and open in a new web page. After a successful activation, your online application portal will be ready for usage.

4. Enter your User Name, Password and verification code to login (always login directly from this step when you want to use your application portal). Please note, do not leave space in the verification code.

5. After a successful login, click on online Application and start the preliminary stage.

6. Select the appropriate option you prefer to study and click on Next. A new page would be opened for you to select the Department that runs the program, the specific Major, the language of instruction and Research Field (for Masters applicants only). You then click on Find to search for your preferred program of study.

7. Once the options pop up, you select the best option that meets the program you want to study and click on Apply. This will end the preliminary application process.

8. You will now start the first step of the main application process. Fill in all the places indicated with red asterisks*. Click on Save and Next to proceed to the next step of the application.

Step 1: Basic Information.

Step2: Study Plan

NB: For the recommended by, use the details a person/agency/website you heard about the university.

Step 3: Education & Employment information. You will also upload all your application documents at this stage.

Step 4: Additional Information

Step 5: Contact Information

Step 6: Review of Application & Submit

After a successful submission, an Application number will be generated for you. That will end the online application process.

If you have any enquiries about the application process, you can call admission office directly or email us.

Please Note: All application documents will be verified later so make sure you are applying with genuine documents to avoid any criminal charges later. Applicant will solely bear all consequences.

You can contact us if necessary. Email: enroll@usc.edu.cn, Tel: +86-734-8578158

Thank You

上一条:外 国 人 体 格 检 查 记 录
下一条:南华大学国际学生费用标准 Fees for International Students in USC


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