Time: 1:00 PM, Tuesday (7 May)
Venue: 1-311
Subject: Fire Safety
All the students were instructed to attend this meeting which aims to spread awareness about fire safety.
Use of extinguishers was demonstrated and other related measures & emergency acts were taught.
Approximately 200 students attended this demonstration lecture. The lecture was initiated by the fire safety department official and was simultaneously being translated to us by our college teachers.
The lecture was based on PPT file prepared, initiated with videos showing the hazards caused by the use of high electric appliances.
We were demonstrated with how to use the safety life mask and how to help others wear it after we have protected ourselves.
Fire extinguishers were also demonstrated live from the unlocking and then aiming at the source of fire.
Use of high voltage appliances and other illegal items might cause great fire within seconds.
The lecture also instructed how to escape a fire when in a high building, do not use elevator instead use the stair case, and should go downstairs not upstairs.
The beep sound of the security alarm was also in the part of the lecture and was played several times so that the students can save it on their minds and recognize it whenever played (in emergency cases).
The lecture was concluded by the safety officer wishing all the students safety and ease life in China.
All the students were very thankful to the college.