Registration of temporary accommodation for foreigners

2021年05月11日 10:21  点击:[]

You are required to abide by the following rules of registry if you reside in a place other than hotel:

1. After every new entry, you must register your residence to th elocal police station in 24 hours after you settle down if you hold visa rather than residence permit or residence certificate.

2. You must re-register your residence to the local police station in24 hours and properly keep the registry document after you collect new visa or residence permit.

Those who fail to follow the above rules, the Public Security Bureau will deny their application for visa or residence permit, or limit the duration of their stay in China.

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Address: 28 Changsheng West Road, Hengyang    
Postcode: 421001    Tel: 0000-8888-8888
Copyright: International Department    
Office of Hongkong, Macao & Taiwan Affairs  International College