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Residence Permit Regulation

作者:SAO,IC    文章来源:    点击数:    更新时间:2015年02月05日 10:03

In order to regulate the process of renewing Residence Permit, hereby the regulation is made.

1.     New international students with X1 visa must apply for temporary Residence Permit in 24 hours after they arrive at the University of South China.

2.     The international students with residence permits who come back to the University of South China from their own countries must inform the International College of University of South China and do the temporary Residence Permit in 24 hours even if the Residence Permit is still in valid.

3.     The international students who renew the visa or residence permit must apply for it 15 days in advance before it expires.

4.       If the visa or residence permit can not be handled because of students’ personal delay, the consequences will be taken by their own.


International College of USC


上一条:NOTICE FOR ACTIVITY ARRANGEMENTS IN 2015 WINTER VACATION 下一条:Notice on HSK Exam Registration for International Students


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