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NOTICE for recruitement of Art troupe of USC

作者:    文章来源:    点击数:    更新时间:2014年09月26日 17:02


Dear Students,

      The Arts Troupe of USC would like to inform the students from the 2013 batch and 2014 batch that the recruitment for different talents is being preceded.

Different categories in the art groups are as follows:

(1) Vocal Music Group,

(2) Chorus (1.70ms tall and above for boys; 1.58ms tall and above for girls),

(3) Hosting Group(1.73ms-1.80ms tall and above for boys;1.60ms tall and above for girls),

(4) Musical Instrument Group,

(5) Opera Group,

(6) Dancing Group (1.70ms tall and above for boys ;1.60ms tall and above for girls)

(7) The Ceremonial Team ( 1.66ms tall and above only for girls)

If you would like to join in you can choose one of the category you master. The written application (specify in which category you would like to be) can be brought to the office of student affairs of International College. The deadline for the application is 3:00 pm. Sep. 26, 2014. We will be delighted to see your different talents.

                                 International College, USC

                                      2014 - 09- 24

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