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Our Students won 2nd Prize in Games

作者:Colin, Amy and Mr.Chen    文章来源:    点击数:    更新时间:2016年06月12日 15:34

May 28 witnesses the striking and shining performance of USC international students in the audition of Hunan competition area of the 2ndSunshine Sports Culture Tour for International Students in China, which is sponsored by the State Ministry of Education, hosted by Chinese National Collegiate Athletic Association and undertaken by Hunan Ministry of Education and Hunan Mass Media Vocational Technical College.

There are 8 teams of international students attending the audition, among which the teams from the Central South University, Hunan University, Hunan Normal University and the University of South China are included. Through outstanding performance in the competition, the USC team, composed of 8 international students and 2 Chinese students, won the third place and achieved the second prize. In the later of June, USC team will, accompanied with another two teams from Hunan Normal University and Hunan University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, go to Chongqing Municipality to represent Hunan Province to try out for the state southwest area competition.

This is the first time our university international students participating in provincial-level competition. With the high concern of the university leaders, the International College and the School of Physical Education appointed skeleton teachers to elaborately organize, select and train the players .After 1 month hard working , USC players won the championship in the single match of three-player basketball , and played well in another two matches – Sports Art Show and Orienteering –as well.

Let’s look forward to a wonderful performance of USC international players in the coming tryouts of the state southwest competition area!


上一条:国际交流与合作处与国际学院党支部开展暑期“两学一做”支部学习活动 下一条:“留动中国”湖南海选赛:南华大学代表队荣获二等奖


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