School News 
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School News
普通文章 [School News] Bravo! Champion Belongs to International College!06-06
普通文章 [School News] Vice-president Liu Pays an Official Call on Chinese Ambassado...05-29
普通文章 [School News] Vice-president Paid an Official Call on Nepal Ministry of Edu...05-29
普通文章 [School News] A MOU Was Signed Between USC and PU 05-29
普通文章 [School News] Mid-term Summary Meeting held for International Students05-12
普通文章 [School News] 中南大学湘雅医院肖志强教授来校做专题学术报告05-10
普通文章 [School News] 南华大学2016级临床医学专业留学生发表国际学术论文05-10
普通文章 [School News] International College confers with School of Mechanical Engin...05-03
普通文章 [School News] Diplomatic Officer Visited Our College04-28
普通文章 [School News] College Staff visiting Shanghai Universities to Learn from Th...04-28
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